A first aid kit is a must-have for any home. It can be used to treat minor injuries and illnesses, and it can also be used to treat more serious injuries until you can get the injured person to a hospital.
Karina Arro
What’s The Difference Between Cold and Flu
If you wake up with a few sneezes, coughing, and have the achy, fevering feeling – how do you determine whether you have cold symptoms or the flu?
5 Expert Tips in Surviving Shark Attack
While many of us see shark attacks happen on the big screen, the reality is shark attacks do happen in real life. In Australia, where most beautiful oceans do not come with risks, we accept the fact that the moment we swim or surf, we are eventually venturing into the shark’s natural habitat.
The Truth About Spider Bites in Australia – Identification and First Aid
Ever wonder which spider bites may be harmful to man?
3 Ways That Will Help You Deal with Wasps This Autumn
If you spot a yellow and black stripy insect buzzing around your home or the outdoors, there is a possibility that they might not be your garden-friendly bees. This autumn, Australia is facing the appearances of European wasps – leaving many of us wondering how to deal with them efficiently.
Emergency First Aid for Paralysis Tick in Australia
Paralysis ticks are a silent but deadly killer, and unfortunately, the climate down under is the perfect breeding ground for these small insects.
How to Treat a Redback Spider Bite
Australia is home to some of the most venomous spiders in the world – one of which is the Redback spider or the Australian black widow.
Hay Fever Survival Guide: Prevention and Treatment
Itchy eyes, runny noses, and non-stop sneezing… Oh no, it is Hay Fever season again in Australia.
How To Apply for Cricos White Card in Australia as an International Student
The construction industry is one of the most well-paid industries in Australia. Even working as a general laborer or trader, you can earn potentially up to $30 per hour. If you are an international student looking into construction as a potential career path, you are off to the right track.
Short Courses for International Students in Australia
For any international student arriving in Australia, the thought of finding a job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. The good news is most major cities in the country has healthy job market with a wide range of industry currently booming.